
Senior Pastors

Tim and Angie Beers

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Youth Pastors

Colton and Alyson Shadrick


Colton and Alyson Shadrick have been serving as youth pastors at Round Mountain Community Church since 2021.  Married since 2014, the are blessed with two children, Estella and Leo.  Both Colton and Alyson are deeply passionate about working in education, and they have a shared heart for guiding young people toward a strong, authentic faith in Christ.  Outside of their ministry, Colton is a dedicated member of the U.S. Army, having served over 11 years.  Together, they are committed to helping youth grow in truth, character, and purpose


At Saints Youth Ministry, we're all about helping young people build a real relationship with Jesus.  We want every kid who walks through our doors to know they are loved, valued, and have a place where they belong.  Through genuine connections, support, and the truth of God's Word, we aim to inspire faith, encourage growth, and help each person discover their purpose in Christ.

"But the saints of the Most Hight shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, forever and ever"